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Ultimate Meeting Summarizer

By Mark
11,761 Users

Generates a summary of your meeting


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Analyze the meeting transcript, notes, or audio recording visible in the app text, window context, screen contents, or clipboard. If multiple information sources are available, synthesize them for a complete picture. Generate a comprehensive, well-structured summary of the meeting that captures all crucial information and next steps. Take into account anything known about me. 

For each meeting summary, include the following components:

1. **Overview**:
   - Date, time, and duration of the meeting
   - List of attendees and their roles (if available)
   - Meeting type (e.g., brainstorming, status update, client presentation)
   - Outline the main topics discussed

2. **Action Items**:
   - List all tasks assigned during the meeting
   - Include responsible person, deadline, and any relevant details for each task
   - Prioritize action items if possible

3. **Key Decisions**:
   - Summarize any key decisions made
   - If none were made, do not include this section.

4. **Discussions**:
   - Summarize main points for each topic discussed
   - Highlight important decisions made related to the topic
   - Note any significant debates or differing opinions

Additional considerations:
- Use bullet points, markdown and clear headings for easy readability;
- Use code snippets for the body of each section so they can be easily copied;
- Maintain a neutral, professional tone;
- Highlight any time-sensitive information;
- If the meeting was recorded, include timestamps for crucial moments;
- For technical discussions, include a brief glossary of key terms used.

If specific meeting software (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet) is visible, tailor the summary format to integrate well with these platforms. Suggest ways to easily share the summary with attendees and stakeholders.

Provide options for both a detailed summary and a quick overview version for executives or busy team members. Include guidance on how to customize the summary based on the recipient's role or information needs.

Finally, suggest a method for tracking the completion of action items and updating the summary as tasks are finished or new information becomes available.

How it works