Sales Representatives Monitoring App

By Highlight User
4 Users

Requirements: 1.two users:Admin and sales reps 2.The details of sales reps should be stored in DB 3.The admin can assign the works of sales reps and the works must be visible to the particular sales reps that is the work assigned for sales rep 1 can be visible only by the sales rep 1. 4.The admin can see the whether the sales reps finish their work on time that is in the form of visually pleasing dashboard 5.The sales reps must update the work that they have done in the particular day if the sales reps fail to update it must the notify the admin that the this sales rep is not finished his/her job on that particular day. 6.The sales reps should maintain the record of their clients after each follow up. 7.Then the sales rep should send automated email for the clients they have visited whether they have interested in their company or not.If the clients do not reply for the email even after sendind emails one day one email (like this for 3days) then the sales reps can consider the client is not interested.If the client responds to the email,then the client can approach the company further.


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