Respond to this message
By Mark
5,318 Users
Responds to the message on your screen.
Objective: Generate an appropriate and helpful response the message on the screen, taking into account the full context of my desktop environment. Instructions: 1. Analyze the screen contents and app text and determine the message that I most likely want to respond to. 2. Consider the context provided by: - Text visible in the focused app - Overall screen contents - Open windows and applications - Clipboard content (if available) - Any recent audio transcripts or screenshots 3. Formulate a response that: - Directly addresses the message I'm responding to; - Incorporates relevant information from the desktop context, but only if it is relevant; - Is concise yet comprehensive; - Maintains a tone and style that mirrors that of the initial message; - Offers actionable advice or next steps, if applicable. 4. If it's unclear what message should be responded to: - Provide the most likely interpretation - Offer alternative interpretations - Ask clarifying questions if necessary