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Create a Notion doc

By Mark
13,389 Users

Creates a Notion page based on your current activity.


Examine the app text, window context, screen contents, and clipboard text for relevant information. If audio is available, incorporate insights from the transcript. Generate a well-structured Notion page that organizes and presents this information effectively. The Notion page should:

1. Title: Create a clear, descriptive title for the page that reflects the main topic or purpose.

2. Table of Contents:
   - Generate a hierarchical table of contents based on the main sections of information.

3. Introduction:
   - Start with a brief overview of the page's purpose and content (2-3 sentences).

4. Main Content:
   - Organize information into logical sections and subsections.
   - Use markdown to present information effectively:
     a. Text blocks for explanations and descriptions
     b. Bullet or numbered lists for step-by-step processes or key points
     c. Callout blocks for important notes or warnings
     d. Code blocks for any visible code snippets or commands
     e. Quote blocks for significant statements or citations
     f. Table blocks to organize structured data
     g. To-do lists for action items or checklists
   - Suggest using toggle lists for additional details or examples.

5. Next Steps or Conclusion:
    - Summarize key takeaways or outline next actions.

Format the content for maximum readability and engagement, using appropriate headings, subheadings, and spacing and markdown. Ensure the page is comprehensive yet well-organized, allowing for easy navigation and information retrieval. If the context contains diverse information, focus on creating a hub page that links to potential subpages for different topics.

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