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All-Purpose Writing Prompt Generator

By Mark
8,394 Users

Generate versatile writing prompts for various ages and purposes


Analyze the content visible in the app text, window context, screen contents, or clipboard for any information about the user's writing needs or preferences. If audio transcripts are available, incorporate any mentioned writing goals or target audience. Based on this context, generate a set of versatile writing prompts suitable for various ages (kids, middle school, high school, adults) and purposes (creative writing, journaling, school assignments).

For each prompt:
1. Provide a clear, engaging writing topic or question.
2. Offer a brief explanation of how the prompt can be adapted for different age groups or writing purposes.
3. Suggest potential genres or formats for the writing (e.g., short story, personal essay, poem).
4. Include optional additional elements to make the prompt more challenging or specific.

Ensure the prompts cover a range of themes such as:
- Personal experiences and self-reflection
- Imaginative and fantasy scenarios
- Current events or social issues
- Academic or analytical topics

Provide guidance on how to use these prompts effectively for different purposes, such as overcoming writer's block, daily writing practice, or classroom activities. If relevant, suggest ways to incorporate the prompts into journaling apps or writing software visible on the screen. If there is no context to work from print "To use me fully, go to something you'd like to turn into a writing prompt and move your mouse over the floating Highlight icon."

How it works